De publicatie Vensters open. Heden, verleden en toekomst van de operatiekamer, waarin een artikel over de geschiedenis van de operatiekamer is opgenomen van Noor Mens en Cor Wagenaar, is nu ook als E-book verkrijgbaar (engelstalig) Open Views: The Operating Room of the Future
. Operating rooms around the world will change enormously in the coming few years. Robotics, advanced surgery and a different view on health care are of great influence. Besides, a number of important questions play a role. Should we still see operating rooms as the heart of the hospital? Is it wise to make a separation between highly complex procedures and low-risk treatments? How do we make the OR complex more flexible, more patient-friendly and into a pleasant workplace for staff? And what about the added value of all this technology? This book seizes the moment to take a fresh look at the operating room of the future, unhindered by existing conventions and beliefs. It looks at the history of the operating room and describes issues such as air treatment, the culture in the OR, the role of technology and the relationship between human conduct and the OR design. Moreover, it presents seven exciting designs for the Operating Room of the Future. These show how designers have reached compelling analyses and solutions in close collaboration with OR professionals. With this, ‘Open views’ challenges to think beyond the beaten path, towards an optimal OR of the Future.